Sunday, August 09, 2009

Off We Go, Into The Wild Blue Yonder

Remember my brother, Wesley? He got super sick about halfway through boot camp and was delayed quite a bit. If none of this sounds familiar, you should probably go read this post. :)

I am super excited to announce that Wesley graduated this weekend! And he was promoted to Airman First Class as well! How cool is that?

My brother has officially become and Airman, and I couldn't be prouder.


Victoria McBride said...

Ok so that doesn't even look like the crazy Wesley that would sit in the back of the Sunday School class every week talking about Halo with Buddy...Crazy!

Please note that I am commenting not just lurking :)


Raine said...

Congrats! That is very exciting!! :)

Anonymous said...

These pics, and the other pics of Wesley and the other Airmen and the video made me cry several times over the weekend!!
So proud of him!!
