About five weeks ago he left for basic training with the Air Force. I had this whole post I was going to write about it, but it made it way to real. And I didn't want to start crying about how much I missed my brother. So I didn't write the post.
Sunday he came down with the flu and pneumonia. The hope was to have him improving by now so he would still have the possibility of graduating with his group in four weeks. But I got a call this morning from my mom telling me that he has been hospitalized. The pneumonia has gotten worse and he has 104 degree fever.
Needless to say, its almost impossible for him to be able to catch up physically with his current platoon (I think that's what it is called). He may have to start over completely once he gets better... which would suck. To be over halfway done with boot camp and to have to start all over again... I cant even imagine the frustration that Wesley would be feeling.
I hate this for him. I feel so helpless. I want to be able to help take care of him. And I am just his overprotective sister. I can't imagine what its doing to my mom. I can tell you though, if things get worse my mom is probably going to be jumping on a plane to go see him.
All that to say, I need you to pray for my brother. Pray that he is healed and will recover quickly. And pray for my parents. As you can imagine, this is REALLY hard on them. Their son is suffering in a hospital somewhere in Texas and they can't be there to comfort and take care of him.

I love my brother to bits, and I just want him to get better.
i am so sorry to hear about your brother :( i bet your parents are itching to get to him. i can't imagine having a sick child in the hospital and not able to be with him. keep us posted on his progress. are you able to call him?
oh amy, i am so sorry to hear that your brother is so sick. saying lots or prayers for him + your family, sending you lots of hugs.
Definitely praying for him and your family. I hope he gets better quickly!
Amy Lynn, you just made your mom cry!!! That was so sweet! We don't know for sure what he will have to do so keep praying! As of mid morning today his fever has dropped and he feels a little better.
A proud Mom!
oh sad. :(
Hope he feels better soon.
AL,you are so sweet. I'm trying to type through crocidile tears here. He will be alright. If they will let him rest he will improve in a few days. Keep us informed please!!!
I just read the post about your brother, and he is in our prayers. I hope he continues to regain strength, and will get better sooner than expected. And, to be in another state and not be able to get to your baby boy....UGHHH!!
And,Matt was 15 months older than me, and I was always protective of him (still am)!! Must be a sister thing!!
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