Here is my short hair. I cut it all off last week and regretted it almost immediately. I am slowly getting to the point where I am not depressed when I walk by a mirror, but I really miss my long hair!!! I haven't really experimented much with the "short do" but its been REALLY easy so far. Zachariah was not too happy though. When he goes to pull my hair he just gets a handful of air. Muahahaha.
All in all, I am glad I cut it... but I probably wont do it again. I just love my long hair too much.
Are you happy now Tammi??? :)
Oh, and in case you are wondering... in the picture Zachariah is a little distracted watching a baby bird fall out of its nest. (No worries, Amanda saved it)
It's cute... I like it a lot!
Well, it's about time!!
And I think it's cute too....makes you look more mature..and by "more mature" i mean "you don't look like you're twelve anymore" :)
I do the same thing.....consider cutting or coloring my hair for weeks, then when I do it, I hate it. Then I tolerate it. Then I think it's ok Then I like it. But by then my hair is back to the way it used to be and I consider doing something drastic to it again.
what does hubby think?
He thinks it's adorable.
I really like it. It looks great on you!
I love your hair! It's super cute on you.
no worries, its just hair. but i really do like it!
man he is getting some really good eyebrows!! :)
Thanks everyone! Thankfully I am getting more used to it now.
Hayley- I keep telling him that his Aunt Hayley is going to love his eyebrows! :)
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