Day two of our Independence Day weekend involved spending time with friends, lots of swimming, more watermelon and a few emotional breakdowns.

We started our day around 10:00 (yeah, I love having a toddler who will sleep in) and went to my Aunts pool and swam till our hearts were content.

We love swimming. Its so refreshing when living in the nasty heat and humidity that Georgia has to offer. Blah.

While at the pool, Zachariah showed Daddy how he can hold his breath and put his face in the water. (He is very proud of that)

He also showed us how to properly inflate his swimmies.
Or floaties. Or floties, which is apparently how it is spelled on the product we own. I don't know what they are supposed to be called. Regardless, they keep him afloat. You get the idea.

He doesn't mess around. He is pretty serious about getting these things blown up correctly. I mean, they are the ONLY thing that keeps him from going under. They are his life support when in the water.

That and his inner tube that he insists on using. Because he secretly does NOT trust the floties.
Or swimmies.

Here are my two boys. Zachariah was giving daddy kisses after he preformed some amazing swan dives off the diving board. (I am pretty much in love with this picture.)
After a tiring morning of swimming, we came home, ate lunch, and took a nap. Well, Daniel and Zachariah took a nap. I was looking through all the pictures I had taken. :)
After we re-energized ourselves, we went over to our friends house for some scrumptious steaks. Mmm. Steaks. I love steaks. I wish I had taken a picture of those honkin steaks.

Anyway. Meet Tim and Nan. (Also known as The T-I-M and Nanny-poo.) They cooked some good food for us.

And this is their puppy Brady. (Tim, I know you never comment on my blog, but feel free to correct the spelling of your dogs name if I got it wrong.) Brady is a cutie patootie, but Zachariah was NOT a fan. Like, he wouldn't let me set him down once he knew the dog was in the house to stay. It was ridiculous. But he eventually got over it and even touched the dog before the evening was over!

And of course we ate more watermelon. Well, Daniel, Tim and Zachariah ate watermelon. Nan and I ate a yummy apple pie. *cue salivation glands*
Oh crap. I am drooling all over my keyboard. How embarrassing.
So yeah. All in all, it was a great day. But not the end of our celebrations! So stay tuned for more. :)
Oh, and because I love this picture so much...

Gah. His eyes melt me.
The picuture of Zacharia kissing Daniel is the best!! My heart is just a puddle of goo. :)
I love the picture of daddy's kiss too!! so SWEET! they are all GREAT pictures. i love the one of tim and nan. i miss them!
Enjoyed the continued story and pics ---really good. Up on WM yet??? I sure drive you hard don't I!!! Looking forward to the rest of the story and pics. A priceless pic of Z and Dan.
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