Daniel is very particular about the condition of his Dr. Seuss books. Lo and behold: God created board books! Even of the Dr. Seuss variety. What a fabulous thing!

Anyway. I love this book. We all do. It is a fun read! And since its a board book, the pages don't get ripped out--very toddler friendly. You can also get the regular one for older kids (like Daniel). Either way, it's a fabulous buy.
But wait!
In honor of my first book review post and because I am just plain awesome, I am giving away one (1) Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? board book!
What? You don't have a toddler? No worries. You can enter and try to win it for a relative, friend or avid collector.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favorite Dr. Seuss book. Any one will do as long as it is your favorite... and written by Dr. Seuss of course! (Make sure I have some way to contact you. A blog address, email, social security number... something like that)
You have until 9:00 pm Sunday. (I do have a bedtime, people.) Then Zachariah will randomly select a winner and I will post the winner sometime Monday. So go ahead and enter. What do you have to lose, besides your streak of not commenting on my blog? :)
Green Eggs and Ham!!!
Found you on SITS! My favorite is The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss; my 6-year-old's is Wacky Wednesday; and my 3-year-old's is Cat in the Hat.
I never really had Dr. Seuss books growing up. Not that I can remember anyway. It's time I find out out this Dr. huh?! :)
I love Dr. Suess too! I bought my son several Dr. Suess board books when he was a baby & he recently gave them to his new baby sister (2months old)... yup, the books are over a decade old.
Well, I would love for our family to add this one to our collection as we do not have it yet.
My favorite Dr. Suess book is the Lorax. I even bought my daughter an outfit with the Lorax on it. Her favorite story to listen to seems to be the Lorax too... we do read it to her several times a week.
My son loves Horton Hears a Who, but likes to read Horton Hatches an Egg to his sister.
I know my comment is turning into a blog right about now... sorry about that. You got my minding twirling with Suess.
As a matter of fact, my husband actually proposed to me in Dr. Suess's garden at Islands of Adventure (in Orlando).
We are a Suessical bunch! :)
I do love Green Eggs and Ham! I want to win this for my house for my cute grandson!! :)
All I have to say is he'd better not "randomly" pick one of his grandmothers and leave the other one out!
Haha. He will be drawing names from a bowl. So he wont "know" who he is picking. :)
I am loving reading all of your favorite Dr. Seuss books! Keep them coming!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is 'I Can Read With My Eyes Shut'
I had it as a child and now my girls have it to read. We love Dr. Seuss around here too.
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