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I am FINALLY wrapping up my Independence Day posts. Regardless of how late I am, here it is. The final post of our 4th of July weekend. I know you have all been waiting with great anticipation (ha!), so I will just get right to the point.
Sunday afternoon/evening we went to an event put on by a church here in town. There was jumpy things for the kids, horse/pony rides, a drum line, marine corps band, a couple church choirs, cake walks, carnival food, and fireworks.
Despite the rain that postponed everything, it was a lot of fun! Due to a guy talking for WAY to long before the fireworks started, Zachariah stayed up way past his bed time. We seriously didn't get him home and in bed until midnight. We were all completely exhausted, but I came home with a few cute pictures and a lot of funny stories. :)Lets start with the drum line, shall we?
A local high school's drum line came and preformed. I think its safe to say that everyone enjoyed it (I mean, who doesn't enjoy a good drum line?), but I am pretty darn sure that Zachariah enjoyed it more than anyone else there.Seriously. He loved it. He would play the "air drums" and dance his heart out. We had strangers standing around video taping him instead of the drum line. It cracked me up. I took a couple pictures of his dancing... but they do NOT, under any circumstance, do it justice. He was just so funny!
Here he is. About to break it down. Feeling the rhythm... becoming one with the drums.
And then BAM! He breaks it down. He was dancing like there was no tomorrow. When the drum line left, he ran after them and said "I want that". His first three word sentence. We are going to have to get him a drum set, or some bongos at least.
Immediately after the drum line came the Marine Corps Band.
Lets just take a moment and discuss how much I love Marines. Okay?
I love Marines. I feel week in the knees when I see a group of handsome men in dress blues. That is all there is to it.
End of discussion.
Back to our regularly scheduled program. *ahem*
Zachariah sat with my Dad (a former Marine, mind you) for the first bit of the band playing. And then he started feeling the rhythm again. There was not a thing he could do about it.
So he got up and danced some more. And drummed. And danced. And drummed.
Have I mentioned how funny this was??
Ok. Moving on to the horses.
Zachariah loves animals. He loves making animal noises, and he loves seeing animals. So when he saw the pony rides, he went a little crazy. He wanted so badly to get to them. So we waited in line... all the while it was obvious he was pretty pumped.
Getting on the horse was apparently not what he had been expecting. Because he sure enough freaked out.
This picture makes me laugh every time. This is Daniel walking Zachariah to the exit after the meltdown. Haha.
After the pony rides, we decided to head on over to the big dogs. Errr... horses. Yet again, Zachariah was going CRAZY in line, whining because we couldn't get him there fast enough. But as soon as he got close, he freaked. But dad gum it, mommy wanted to ride a horse. So ride it we did. Screaming toddler and all. After all the drama, all the activities were closing down and we went to find our places to get ready for the fireworks. Little did we know it would be 2 freaking hours before they actually started, but ah well. Such is life.
While we waited we indulged in a nice healthy snack. Grease and sugar are healthy, right? Right?Despite the lack of nutrition, Zachariah ate about half of that sucker. I am surprised he didn't puke.
Due to Zachariah's cuteness, he had captivated everyone
's attention around him. So while waiting for the fireworks, Daddy and Zachariah preformed some tricks for the crowd. :)
Here is Zac
with his Nana. Aka: My mom. She went and stole a balloon from some kid that was not so deserving. That kept him occupied for a good while. Thank goodness for Nana's!
And now, the fireworks. Say it with me now....
Daniel took this set of pictures. I loved the whole sequence of the fireworks thing going on here. :)
Well folks, that concludes our Independence
Day Weekend. We were one tired crew, but we had a lots of fun with our family and friends!
Hope everyone had just as much fun as we did!! :)
Looks like you all had a great time. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
And thanks for stopping by my blog last week.
Yea! How fun...I wish I could have seen him dancing...hehehe.
several things:
i have got to see this boy dancing and playing drums. TOO PRECIOUS!
your fireworks pictures were awesome!
2 classic poses: daniel's face after getting Z off the horse...YOUR smiling/laughing face as Z cries. LOVE THEM!
Man I hate I missed all this. Thanks for the stories and fantastic pics though. I love it.
so your father and your son have THE same hair style, just to let you know.
p.s. best picture (that totally sums up your whole blog) is you and Z on the horse.... i almost cried i laughed so hard :) such a great mom.
I'm so glad you came, we loved having you there and spending time with you!
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