Lately I have resembled a chicken running around with its head cut off, so please excuse my lack of blogging yesterday. :)

We LOVE the library. We go about once a week and Zachariah picks out some books and movies to take home. He picked out this book last week and has LOVED it. I am pretty sure its because he has a fascination with all things that make noise. Regardless of the reason, he loves this book. So I thought I would share it with you.

Anyway! Z loves this book, and I think any little boy would. The pictures are super colorful and what kid doesn't enjoy hearing their mom or dad make silly noises? :)
That concludes this week's book review. Stay tuned for another riveting review next week!
Aw, fun! It must be a boy thing...Fisher likes anything with wheels.
Hey, could you bring one of his favorite books over next time. I think he's tired of ours. I need a list from you for our house.
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