Wednesday, February 04, 2009

New Baby in the House

While my sister-in-law goes back to work, I am keeping her oh-so-precious son... until they are ready to put him in daycare. So far things have gone smoothly, but I have only had him half days this week, so the real fun starts next week! :)

Zachariah has been doing great with the whole thing. I honestly think that he thought Collin was a baby doll at first. He didn't really pay him much attention, and when he did notice Collin, he just tried to take his paci out of his mouth. But now he gets SO excited when I wake him up in the morning and tell him that Baby Collin is here to play. He has been trying to share his toys with him, and tries to give him his paci when he drops it. Its quite adorable. Anyway. Here are a couple pictures from the past two days.

Isn't he a cutie??
The cousins watching TV together
That's it for now.
Happy Wednesday everyone!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

awww, that is so precious! (are you loving your new camera yet?)

tammi said...

So....I'm assuming that the adoration over Z's love for the baby will result "announcement" in the next couple of months.
I'm just say'n. :) LOL
We should take bets on it.

jamie b said...

great pictures! i love the one of z and c together.

i think the first picture of "c" favors zachariah's baby pics.

Amy Lynn said...

Rachel- I am absolutely LOVING it!

Tammi- HA! Yeah. If I make an announcement it wont be a planned one. I forgot how much attention newborns require! LOL

Jamie- You know, I have noticed that a couple of Collin's pictures favor Zachariah's! I thought I was just going crazy! haha