So during the chaos I looked around to see if Zachariah was needing some "alone time", and low and behold he and my dad (aka: Pops) were off at the end of the driveway throwing rocks in puddles and watching the neighbors across the street. I couldn't help but take some pictures of them. Here are my favorites. Aren't they just adorable??
Thanks for entertaining him for me, Dad!
These are great! Love the 2nd one - I can't tell who's having more fun!! :-)
Sweet :)
I'm glad he loves his Pops!
Great pics! Love the 1st one! :)
I was going to comment yesterday on how adorable these pictures are, but I felt it was a conflict of interest for me to be the first to comment, you know, every one following would feel obligated to agree with the biased old grandpa. :) But I gotta say, when the cutest kid in the world is in your arms, it has a way of making you look your best!
By the way Puddin, I think he was entertaining me more than I was entertaining him.
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