Then my research started. I have found several that I like, and they have gotten a good combination of positive and negative reviews. And seeing as how I haven't potty trained a little boy before, I was wondering what all of you recommend. I am all about getting the "three in one" deals. Most of the potty's I am looking at has a seat that can be put onto the big toilet AND it converts into a step stool. My favorite thus far is this potty, because it plays music when pee or poop hits the toilet bowl. But people are saying that the splash guard comes off easy. Then again, people have raved about this one, because it is simple and sturdy and doesn't have any bells and whistles.
So let me know what you used when potty training your kiddo. Did you love it, hate it? Wish you had purchased another one?
i can't wait to see what everyone says! the only thing i've really heard about potty chairs is don't use them. i guess it makes the child only want to use that type of potty so you'd have to take one with you everywhere you go. not sure if that's true. great idea to suggest this as a gift!!!
We hardly used a potty chair with either of my two boys, but it is handy to have at the beginning because you can sit it in the living room, bedroom, etc. When I was first teaching O and A about the potty, I would have them sit on it while they watched tv and make a huge freaking deal about it when they would get the tiniest bit of pee in there. PARTY!!!
Both my boys hated the kind that sat on the actual big toilet, and learned to sit on it without a special kids' seat and without falling in pretty quickly.
All that to say, my advice would be to get something simple and basic. Based on my experience, they didn't use it for very long anyway.
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