As most of you know,
naptime has been pure mayhem lately. Much to my relief, it has slowly been getting better. I know you all want to ask the question, “What has helped Zachariah go to sleep faster and sleep longer?” None other than the burp-cloth-over-the-eyes trick!

No really. He has to covers his eyes
every single time he is going to sleep. If he doesn’t have something to pull over his head (ie: burp cloth, blanket, etc…), he will try to burry his head, like an
Ostrich, into his crib. Or into whoever is holding him when he gets tired. Today he woke up after a 45 min. nap screaming, so I went in there and covered his eyes with his burp cloth. He slept for another 45 min.
What a weirdo.
Whatever works. :)
You've got that right! :)
how funny!
that's funny :) I know you were excited about having an hour and a half for yourself!!
Why didn't I think to tell you that??? When R. was a wee babe she used to do that!! She did it the first time when she was just a few weeks old, by accident I'm sure. But she always had a blankie that she covered her face with, and she was always a WONDERFUL sleeper. I'm not real sure that she doesn't still do it!?!
Maybe he's been waking up looking for it or feeling for it to be against his face. Maybe he would sleep longer or have a way to put himself back to sleep with it nearby.
haha, I know he and you are both glad you figured out how to keep him asleep. I have to say seeing the burp cloth over his face scared me. That is my biggest fear that Evie won't be able to get her blanky out of her face. It is neat how they change the older they get. Looks like it doesn't bother him a bit!
Rachel- Yeah I was worried about that too. The only reason I was ok with it was because he will snatch it off his face when he wants too. And I just bought a nifty monitor that makes me feel much better about that! (blogging about that soon)
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