Anyway, for those who are interested, here is what has been going on with my mojo's...
Blogging Mojo:
I have been a slacker. Partially due to lack of commenter's, but mostly due to my obsession with other blogs. (Pioneer Woman and MckMamma anyone??) I have been doing some serious blog stalking lately, and it just eliminated my need for blogging. I am hoping to rectify that though, seeing as how my blog is pretty sad looking with only one update a week. And I need a header. I am putting that on my list of things to do.
Photo Mojo:
I have been having some monitor issues. My pictures looked great on my screen, but when printed, they looked bad. They were either too dark or too contrasted. Turns out our monitor was not calibrated, which left my pictures looking funky. And due to that issues, I have not wanted to touch my camera. And when I have gotten the courage to start taking pictures again, I got all depressed when I looked at them on my darn computer. *sigh* Anyway. Daniel was fabulous and re calibrated the monitor, so we should have that fixed now. I just need to locate that mojo so I continue learning more about photography.
So yeah. That's why my posts have been scarce. I hope to return with all of my mojo sometime in the near future.
And I will be totally fine if I never see the word mojo again. That was just too much for one post. Geeze.
i've been waiting to see the beach pictures :( you don't even need "picture taking mojo" just blogging/posting mojo.
I want to see the baby!!!
i am totally addicted to pioneer woman. i was addicted to mcmamma while stellan was in the hospital, but now she posts a lot and i can't keep up. lol i was following her on twitter too and my goodness, i think she twitters about everything all day long. :)
I know how you feel... I have small topics that I COULD blog about, but I just never feel like it anymore! I need something exciting..
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