Seeing as how my legs are suffering from some major sunburn, this post will be pretty short. But because I am such a nice person, I will leave you with two pictures from our fun afternoon. :)
More to come later!
That's my cutie pie! One word from your mother to you...sunscreen!!!!! Hope it doesn't ruin the rest of the weekend. You can come out when the sun goes down, :( Luvs, Mom
I am a 25 year old stay at home mom to the most adorable 3 year old little boy and a wife of 4 years to the most amazing guy in the world. I am a horrible house wife, a wanna be photographer and a sucker for a good movie.
That's my cutie pie! One word from your mother to you...sunscreen!!!!! Hope it doesn't ruin the rest of the weekend. You can come out when the sun goes down, :(
Enough of the pictures of the kid, I want to see a picture of your legs! LOL
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