Yeah, I know. This post is LONG overdue. But better late than never, right? Yeah I know, that's a lame saying. But I had to try something.
So here are the beach pics. I am apparently still having issues with the colors of my photos, because when they uploaded it drained them of all color. Or at least that's what it seems like. But I don't care. Because I am so tired of messing with this. So just pretend they are all nicely edited. Because they are. Or were at some point. I am going to pretend my many hours of work was not completely wasted.
Here are a few pics from the pool. We got in soon after we got to the beach on Friday afternoon. Zachariah had a ton-o-fun in his new float, and he even "swam" with daddy!
(Click on the pictures to make them bigger. I don't know why the first set is so small. But we are going to ignore that too, okay? Thanks.)

After the fun swimming session, we headed out to eat. Zachariah did a little coloring while waiting on his grilled cheese and fries (And yes, I did eat his fries, but only so he wouldn't die by way of a clogged artery or something.)

And here is Zachariah's cousin, Collin. Isn't he a cutie?! I cant wait
until they are running around playing together!

Me and my cool dude are still waiting on our food...

Zachariah had a little trouble with the concept of looking at the camera so mommy can have a decent picture. It was getting a bit ridiculous, so I helped him out a bit.:)
And coming up, are some pics I took while we were spending some time on the beach. And you should know that Zachariah did NOT like the sand. He would not let the stuff touch him. But I was the same way as a baby/toddler/teenager. Ha. Just kidding.

Anyway, the only way he would stop clinging to us was if he was sitting on a towel. So that is what we did. Plopped him on a towel and he dug, and dug until his heart was content.

And then once his heart was no longer content with the digging, he started throwing the sand. The series of events in the pictures above happened about 428 times. It was hilarious.

Until I had to clean out the sand from his hair. Oh the amount of sand I found all over this kid. I would be fine if he never played in sand again. But it was totally worth it. He had a blast.

And while all that was going on, we decided to take a self portrait. Because we are cool like that.

After he got bored with throwing the sand, Z got brave.
Real brave. He decided he would WALK on the sand with Daddy. They walked for at least 10 min. It was adorable. And this (below) is my favorite picture.

Gah, I have such a cute kid.

Then we have a Mother's Day Family picture, where Zachariah is trying to stab Daniel with a pen... ???
Whatever. So he happens to be a bit aggressive at times. He makes up for it with his cuteness.

And last but not least, the whole clan!
As you can probably tell, we had a blast. Sorry it took so long to post these. And sorry the colors are all wacky. But I couldn't go another day without sharing my beach pics. More will be up on my facebook in the next day or two, so check there soon! :)
Thank you Amy Lynn. A very enjoyable post. Especially enjoyed the walk down memory lane of our beach trip. We've got to figure out how to stay longer!!!
That would be signed Debbie above.
it looks like you had a wonderful trip! and please, pick that camera back up, your photos are beautiful!
Zac didn't care if it got in his eyes?? I really like the ones of him digging in the sand, he looked so serious!
Mom (Nana)
The photos are great and I see nothing wrong with the colors. Looks like a fun trip!
Love beach pictures! these are great! you did a fabulous job amy lynn!!!!!!
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