Sunday, May 20, 2007

Shower Power

I had my first baby shower last week.... so I decided to post a picture of all the stuff I received.

Just cause I can.

We got a nice supply of diapers and wipes (wohoo!!) that you can see on the bottom shelf and in the basket on the floor. On the middle shelf you will find bath stuff, lotions, bottles, etc. On the top shelf there is a plethora of blankets, washcloths, adorable towels with hoods, and some cute toys. To the side of the changing table sits our monitors, bottle warmer, bathtub, and a mobile for the crib.

And below you will find the CUTEST little robe in the world. Yeah, it has a Lion hood.

And because I am a slacker, this is officially the first picture I have taken of my pregnant belly. I am officially 21 weeks along (5 months). Ignore the gross teacher tan line. (ugh)


tammi said...

yay! Getting stuff is so fun! :)

Danny104 said...

Everything looks so organized in the picture...I wonder if it will stay that way....