For some time now Daniel and I have had differing opinions on Toaster Ovens. We had a toaster oven in our house grown up, and I think they are pretty useful. Now, by useful I mean I would rather use the toaster oven instead of the real oven when possible... but that's not the point. Daniel thinks they are useless. He sees no point in them whatsoever. If you ask him why we don't have a toaster oven, he will say "We have a toaster, and we have an oven. Why would we need a toaster oven?"
Side note:
We got one for a wedding gift, but Daniel convinced me that we didn't need it. And like a gullible newlywed I gave in to the peer pressure. So we re-gifted it to my mother.
So what is your opinion on the Toaster Oven? Useful or useless? Should I try and win the fight to buy one, or let it go? Will it be useful for preparing food for small children? Or will it end up being one of those kitchen appliances that I use for a week and then it spends the rest of its life cluttering up my kitchen counter? I need feedback people!
Please note that both our toaster and our oven fall into the kitchen-appliance-she-used-for-a-week catagory.
Our family has been the proud owner of THREE toaster ovens in the 14 years of our marriage. We have owned a toaster as well, but find the toaster oven to be much more useful. It is the gathering place of our family on school mornings, as everyone is trying to get their breakfast fixed first. Cass has even become quite adept at toasting more than one thing at a time. Pizzas, sandwiches, even subs can be toasted quite nicely, without having to heat the entire oven (and thus the entire kitchen - think green!). I wouldn't want to do without mine!! --Amy N.
Get the toaster oven and dump the toaster. It is a win win situation, the best of both worlds. He gets to toast and you get to oven.
All you have to do is call the new device a "toaster." Never by its true name.
Daniel- shut right up.
Amy and Brian- WONDERFUL! Thanks for the input. That actually helped me decided that I DEFFINATELY want one now.
Total Tally: That makes 2 for Me and 0 for Daniel.
Ok, I'm with Daniel on this one. I say skip it.
Considering your opposition requiring actual cooking, the toaster oven leans more towards OVEN and less towards toaster. Want a piece of toast in the morning?? Put it in the toaster oven and it only takes about 10 freaking minutes to toast your ONE piece of toast. can't clutter up the top of it with mail and bills and stuff because the top gets hot and it will catch on fire. So, unless your home is clutter-free (unlike ours) it's a fire hazard.
Who wants a slow-toasting, fire-hazarding dastardly little oven taking up space on the counter? Not I!!
TAMMI!!!! (that was me yelling) You are deffinately not supposed to side on Daniel. He now is using that against me.
I have recently grown to love the toaster oven. its much faster than the regular oven, and as a new mother i believe you will appreciate its speed. i say go for the toaster will simplify your life.
oh and my mom just said that it saves daniel, i know you'll appreciate that!
I think you people are missing the point here. SHE WON'T USE IT!
Tammi - try putting peanut butter toast in your TOASTER!!! Not a pretty sight...
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