I have been made aware by my former friend (just kidding!) that my blog is no longer random. And he is right. It has definitely switched gears since having a baby. It went from "Random Conglomeration of Stuff", to "Everything Zachariah". So I don’t think it deserves the title “Randominity” any longer! But here is the kicker. I can’t come up with a clever/cute/non-boring title for my blog.
So I am calling on all you people of bloggerland to help me out. Yes that means you. I am in a creative dry spell, and all of you "blog stalkers" need to come out of the woodworks for this one. Dig deep into that creative part of your brain and give me some suggestions on renaming my blog!Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
More Pictures
Monday, April 21, 2008
Can we say adorable?
Here is Zac sporting his BabyLegs and Amanda sporting her leg warmers.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Look at my new phone!

New cell phone for really cheap! Hooray!
It's a Sony Ericsson Slider Walkman phone and I love it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
You know those times when you think something is really, really funny and then you look back on it and you have no idea what was so funny about it?
Yeah. Well that happened to me last night. I had the urge to take this random picture, and I cant figure out why the heck I thought it was funny.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Go to Daniel's blog to read more bout it and see an uber cute picture!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Next Blog
I made an accidental discovery today.
I was viewing my blog, to make sure it posted my stuff correctly, and I accidentally clicked the “Next Blog” button on the top left-hand side of the screen. It took me to this blog, and I found it absolutely fascinating. This woman lives in Japan, and her whole blog is in Japanese. Obviously I cant read a blessed thing, but I got caught up in looking at the pictures she has posted. Most pictures are of her kids (who are ADORABLE by the way), but in some of them I could see different rooms of her home and the way it was decorated. It was kind of neat.
Sleep at Last!

Getting a good nights sleep is glorious!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Hair Cut?
So short hair or long hair? Pros and cons from those who have the different lengths?
Friday, April 04, 2008
Physical Activity... Or Lack Thereof

So I can’t figure out anything that I would stick with. Gym memberships cost to much, and I wouldn’t want to leave my child in the crappy “child care” arena that they provide. And my prime energy time is in the mornings, so Daniel isn’t home to keep Zachariah. If I go strolling with Zachariah, I only walk for 10 min. because of boredom.
Help Me!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Good News
Its fabulous.