Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 Years Young

My sweet baby boy,

I cannot believe that you are two years old today. Seriously, that fact alone sends my jaw dropping to the floor and it sends tear streaming down my face. You are not my little baby anymore!

Your vocabulary is growing daily. You are running everywhere. You eat the same things Mommy and Daddy eat. You are showing signs that you want to use the potty. You have an attitude and you are not afraid to show it (I am sorry to say you got that from me). You are making friends. You help me cook in the kitchen. You help me clean the kitchen! You are brushing your own teeth (with a little help from Mommy, of course). You are not crying when we leave you in the nursery at church. You are forming sentences, therefore successfully communicating just about everything you need. And besides all of that, you are learning things that most three year olds still have not learned! I don't know about you, but to me all of these signs point to full fledged toddler-hood. :)

Zachariah, you have made me one of the happiest mommy's ever. You are incredibly silly, absolutely adorable, and the sweetest kid around. I can't even begin to imagine my life without you. You have made me and your "Da" some of the proudest, happiest parents in the entire world.

I truly cannot wait to see what God has in store for you, because kid, it is going to be big. You are going to do great things, and I am going to love watching every minute of it.

I love you bunches, little monkey. And don't you ever forget that.


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy birthday z!!!

jamie b said...

that was SO SWEET!!! Z has been blessed with some wonderful parents!

happy birthday Z!!!

(p.s. you won't believe how many things happen after they turn 2. they grow up a lot in this year!! get ready!) :)

Anonymous said...

And Zachariah you have a very proud Mimi and Poppie too. Streams of tears!!

Love, love, love you,

Anonymous said...

Amy Lynn, I love watching you watch Zac grow up! You are doing a great job! Makes a mommy proud! :)


Raine said...

Aw! *tear* So sweet.

Trish P. said...

Happy Birthday Z. What a sweet post! Oh yeah and the frame is adorable. I'm thinking a wonderful Christmas present idea!