Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I have been a lazy blogger. I just haven't found anything "blog worthy" lately. I am in a dry spell. Which I guess doesn't come as to much of a surprise... considering all I do is feed Zac, change him, and watch him sleep. Every now and then a kink will be thrown into the plan of eating, sleeping and pooping. But that kink is usually Zac screaming all day unless I am holding him. *sigh*

On a side note we did go on a our very first stroll yesterday (which, by the way, was one of the screaming days). And boy howdy am I out of shape. We walked around the block, which didn't even take a full 10 minutes, but by the time I got back to the house I was tired and sweating. Then I quickly remembered why I NEVER did any physical activity before I had a baby. Anyway- Zac fell asleep before we strolled out of the driveway and woke up when we got back into the house. Oh well. At least I had 10 min. of quiet.


  1. Yeah I have been quite the lazy blogger myself. Just not much interesting happening in life de me.

  2. If you ever feel like getting out for another stroll, let me know and we'll come meet you! :)

  3. Good idea Jamie! I may take you up on that! Its so much easier to stroll when you have someone to talk too. :)
